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9 March 2021
Patricia Esquivias turns her research into a performative action that intertwines found images and notes with a narrative based on historical facts—which may occasionally be false—linked to personal experiences and interests.
She speaks to us of collective memory, rescues handmade architectural elements, designs from a family-owned blacksmith’s workshop. She invites us to look at and see with fresh eyes the things we rarely notice or didn’t even know existed because they have been hidden behind the hegemonic narratives of great histories or great names.
For this series of open conversations Patricia Esquivias and Carlos Copertone invite us to an audio walk along the neighbourhood of Chamberí in Madrid.
Carlos Copertone is a jurist who obtained his doctorate by researching town planning and land development. His curiosity about the urban setting and how we interact with each other and with our surroundings has led him to become actively involved with a platform [Caniche] that publishes books on contemporary art and architecture and proposes singular interventions in unconventional spaces.
Caracas, 1979.
“Have no expectations, be curious” is what Patricia Esquivias answers in the book Lecturas para un espectador inquieto [Readings for a curious viewer]1 in which five artists speak about the potential attitude of a watcher towards a contemporary work of art.
We invite you to watch and listen to Patricia Esquivias.
Click on the image!
Pongamos que hablo de Madrid | Let’s say I’m talking about Madrid, 2016
Video still courtesy of the artist.
Patricia Esquivias and
curator Soledad Gutiérrez
At Times Embellished exhibition
CA2M Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo
Febrero 2016
Exhibition’s catalogue
-English texts from page 150-

Conversación con Joaquin Garcia
Hablar normal y corriente
[Speak Plainly]
Caniche Editorial
Julio 2020
En conversación con Pliar Soler
Procesos Visibles
[Visible Processes]
Open Studio
Noviembre 2020
1Arte actual. Lecturas para un espectador inquieto [Readings for a Curious Viewer], Yayo Aznar and Pablo Martínez editors. CA2M, 2012.
Actividad realizada con el apoyo del Ministerio de Cultura y Deporte.
Developed with the support of the Spanish Ministry of Culture and Sport.